Rural & Landed Estates
From small scale infill developments, building conversions and farmstead redevelopments including modern building conversions, we can help you navigate the planning process.
Development opportunities in rural areas can give rise to a notable financial uplift for clients if an appropriate strategy is pursued. This regularly involves a staged approach to projects, demonstrating benefits and placating local concerns over development impact.
ELG is involved in a breadth of projects from small scale infill developments, building conversions and farmstead redevelopments including modern building conversions along with supplementary proposals to enhance schemes to reflect market demand. Our involvement also encompasses development projects to enable small rural businesses to grow, existing businesses to expand in situ, leisure schemes (accommodation and attractions) as well as renewable energy proposals.
Landed Estates
ELG has a broad client based encompassing those responsible for the some of the most iconic landmark rural properties and landscapes across the north or England.
We provide project specific and strategic planning advice to major rural land owners which can range from assisting with agricultural proposals, farmstead redevelopments, ad hoc building conversions to ensure a diverse and income generating property portfolio to large scale residential/employment land promotion and heritage based schemes where there is a core historic property associated with the Estate. Advice can be provided for land based proposals for renewable energy proposals, mineral site after use, water extraction and bottling and leisure based schemes where an Estates inherent physical assets may be appropriately capitalized upon.
Latest News
Click through the articles below.
Primrose Hill
Planning permission granted for the demolition of the existing house and redundant farm buildings and the…
Residential Annexe in North Yorkshire
Annexe-cellent recent appeal decision for a residential annexe in North Yorkshire! The proposal was for a…
Corn Mill, Ilkley
Planning permission secured for change of use from commercial to 6no. apartments at Corn Mill in…
Black Bull Caravan Park
Further investment in the family owned Black Bull Caravan Park, Pickering ( has been endorsed by…
Barnfield, Plompton
Delighted to have secured planning permission for this barn conversion to a 3-bed dwelling at Barnfield,…
Eboracum Yard, Easingwold
Check out this drone footage of one of our equestrian schemes.
Leckhampton House
ELG Planning secured an appeal for our client for a replacement 7 bed dwelling set within…
Alcar Farm, Huby
ELG Planning and Heritage supported Architects Bramhall Blenkharn Leonard in the progression of a detailed pre-application…
Rother Valley Country Park
Working with AHR Architects, ELG provided planning support to Rotherham Borough Council to achieve consent for…
Rudding Park, Harrogate
Planning and listed building consent secured for a redevelopment scheme at the Grade I listed Rudding…
Hew Green Farm, Harrogate
ELG are delighted that common sense prevailed with North Yorkshire (Harrogate) Planning Committee approving this self-build…
Field to Fork
Having over 25 years of experience in assisting rural clients across the country, ELG have been…