Greenwood Avenue, Burnhope

We welcome your comments on the draft development proposals before Monday 25th November 2024, which can be provided using the comments form below.

Alternatively, you can:

  • Write to us at: ELG Planning, 55 Coniscliffe Road, Darlington, Co. Durham, DL3 7EH
  • Send an email to: leaving your name and address along with your comments

Please Note: All responses will be held by the company in accordance with GDPR 2018. Your contact details will not be made public or be retained on any database.


A planning application is being prepared for a residential development of 32 affordable homes with associated infrastructure and landscaping on land at Greenwood Avenue, Burnhope. The application is being prepared on behalf of Durham County Council’s Housing Delivery Team as part the Council Homes programme with the support of local construction company T Manners & Sons. The site previously included houses which were cleared in the 2000s and is therefore historically previously developed. The proposal will provide a range of affordable housing consisting of a mix of a mix of 2, 3 and 4 bedroom houses and 2 bedroom bungalows. The draft layout plan has been designed to respect existing residential properties to the north, ensure properties front onto Greenwood Avenue and fully integrate with the surrounding area. Key features include:
  • Vehicular accesses from Greenwood Avenue,
  • Improved footpath along Greenwood Avenue,
  • On plot and visitor car parking in line with requirements,
  • Retention of existing trees,
  • Landscaping and street trees,
  • Constructed to exceed current standards of energy efficiency, and
  • Sustainable drainage measures to manage surface water from the development.
CGI's of the proposed House Types are shown above

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