Ingsgarth Pickering

We welcome your comments on the draft development proposals before Monday 2 September 2024, which can be provided using the comments form below.

Alternatively, you can:

  • Write to us at: ELG Planning, 55 Coniscliffe Road, Darlington, Co. Durham, DL3 7EH
  • Send an email to: leaving your name and address along with your comments

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An outline planning application is being prepared for submission to North Yorkshire Council in relation to a residential development of up to 100 dwellings and provision of public open space on land south of Ingsgarth, Pickering. The application is being prepared on behalf of a local private landowner.

Proposed Development

The proposed development will provide a range of affordable housing consisting of a mix of 2-bed, 3-bed and 4-bed homes, including semi-detached properties and bungalows. The development framework has been designed to respect existing residential properties and successfully integrate with the surrounding area. The site sits comfortably alongside the residential development to the north, which includes the two storey semi-detached properties and bungalows along West Pasture; and Barnes Nursery to the east, including its range of glasshouses. An illustrative draft framework plan of the proposed development is available to download.  Key features include:
  • Vehicular access will be via Ingsgarth to the north, where there is currently a field gate access.
  • Areas of public open space throughout the site, including tree planting, and a large stretch of land to the south, which will provide a safe and convenient connection to the wider network of public footpaths. As part of this it is proposed to incorporate a ‘Trim Trail Route’.
  • Sustainable drainage measures that will manage surface water and tie in with wider habitat improvements to help deliver a net gain in habitat to support and boost biodiversity.

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