Northgate Masterplan

Welcome to the Northgate Masterplan consultation page. As we work up proposals for the scheme we would welcome any thoughts on suitable uses and the nature of the development on this site.


To secure the redevelopment of this underutilised and / disconnected part of the town centre to encourage investment and visitors, improve pedestrian and cycle links, and reveal the site’s unique heritage assets.


Northgate is a prominent site on the edge of the town centre on the edge of the Northgate Conservation Area. The site itself contains a number of commercial buildings some of which haven't been used for a number of years. This masterplan for Northgate seeks to set out a framework for the development of the area based on principles established in the towns Design SPD, the Local Plan and based on heritage principles. The initial masterplan seeks to establish consent for a range of uses deemed compatible to this area of the town and also establish some scale parameters  so that in the future a scheme may be brought forward that makes the best use of this important gateway site. The consent would facilitate the demolition of Northgate House which has been empty for a number of years.

It is envisaged that the redevelopment of the site would be predominantly residential uses and would start with the redevelopment of the Kendrew Street car parks. Reports have been commissioned to assess a range of considerations including: Heritage, Contamination, Noise, Air Quality, Ecology, Flood Risk & Drainage, Highways Impact, Archaeology and Tree Surveys.

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