ELG Heritage
At ELG Heritage we have vast experience of heritage projects ranging from new development within sensitive historic settings to alterations to Grade I Listed Buildings.
Our heritage experience includes work in World Heritage Sites, Listed Buildings of all grades, Conservation Areas, Scheduled Monuments, and Registered Parks and Gardens, as well as non-designated heritage assets.
We provide guidance and design advice for development and managed change within the historic environment.

Why ELG Heritage?
ELG Heritage is a small friendly team headed by Fiona Bage. Shannon Edwards provides heritage advice from the Harrogate Office and both work on a variety of projects and with clients across the country.
Our expertise is drawn from considerable experience working in both the private and public sectors in a historic environment capacity. We have varied backgrounds including work in building preservation trusts, local authority planning and conservation departments, libraries and archives.
Fiona and Shannon are both full members of the Institute of Historic Buildings & Conservation (IHBC) and Fiona a full member of the Royal Town Planning Institute.

Other Services
Our heritage experts can help with your historic environment project through their research and appraisal skills and experience of achieving successful outcomes.
As a team we regularly produce and provide;
- Project feasibility advice
- Heritage Impact Assessments/Heritage Statements
- Statements of significance
- Historic Building Recording
- Listed building project advise
- Planning and Listed Building Consents
- Appeals
- Conservation area appraisals and management plans
- Historic environment policy advice
- Enforcement advice

Building Recording
ELG Heritage have undertaken building recording on a number of historic buildings and structures. Photographing and analysing heritage assets to an appropriate level prior to development is often a planning condition imposed by a Local Planning Authority. The requirements are explicate and usually include Written Schemes of Investigation and archiving, and so need to be undertaken by suitably qualified professionals.

Contact Us
As a company we continue to serve a wide variety of clients ranging from individuals to multi-national organisations. We are equally happy dealing with small domestic issues as well as advising on planning issues associated with multi-million pound projects.
Contact Us