Hargill Lane, Redmire

We welcome your comments on the draft development proposals before 22nd March 2024, which can be provided using the comments form below.
Alternatively, you can:
  • Write to us at: ELG Planning, 55 Coniscliffe Road, Darlington, Co. Durham, DL3 7EH
  • Send an email to: consultation@elgplanning.co.uk leaving your name and address along with your comments
  • Comment via Twitter (@elgplanning)
  • Comment via Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/ELGPlanning/)
Please Note: All responses will be held by the company in accordance with GDPR 2018. Your contact details will not be made public or be retained on any database.


A full planning application is being prepared by ELG Planning on behalf of DG&M Construction for residential development on land at Hargill Road, Redmire.
At this time, 8 dwellings are proposed, 4 of which will be affordable units.  The development will be accessed from Hargill Lane, next to the play park.
The houses have been designed with the prevailing character of the village in mind and incorporate traditional Yorkshire features, but with a modern twist. The layout has also been designed to respect and retain the majority of trees on site.
As part of the application a number of surveys of the site have been undertaken, including a flood risk assessment of Ape Beck has been undertaken by suitably qualified drainage engineers, and tree and ecology surveys.
DG&M Construction are also proposing funding to increase water supply for the village and the provision of footpath links from Hargill Road, through the site to the play park, making the park safer for children has they no longer need to walk up the road to access it.

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